Sunday, December 21, 2008

Comming Out

Ok, here's my deal. I'm really like, fine with being gay I'm actually FINALLY accepting it and it's like I feel better about it. Well anywho, I'm really wanting to tell my little group, because, all my life I've had the 'gay' rumors around and stuff, but always denied it, (kinda still going to until I feel comfortable) but now, being in unlimited with different friends it all feels different.

So anywho, my friends, they've trusted me with SOOOOOOOOOOO much like, some of no one would suspect or anything, and I've shown my loyalty and they've given me so much trust and gratitude and shown that they've sincierly care. (well one, it's a diff storiee but i'll go into that in a few.) and like, something inside is telling me to tell them they'd be a little shocked because, I've like denied it for the past school year since they've met me. But, now, I'm just like slowly feeling this need to just BE FREE! (w. them) The girls, are the ones I'm not too worried about only a little but not much, but the guys, mmk here's where the one that's different comes in. He's befriended bi guys in our school, one of them is only just a school thing, one..idfk about him, but he's what i say is the media gay, where all emos have to be bi or w.e. and he doesn't act different around him, or any of the others. and he does the little sexual gay jokes with friends and stuff, and he's never shown any serious (to my knowledge) hate against gays and all. But, it's just like I want to tell him ,but I'm nervous that he'll change his entire self around me because, all the touchyness or my personality period or just being there would cause discomfort. And, I've grown a little attachment to him so if I lost him as a friend it'd hurt, (i know lot to say for a couple of monthes but it's just a lot of the making a friendship.) He's trusted me with a lot too and I've prooven myself to be a good friend to him he says, but it's like saying and doing are two different things and I'm scared as hell to say anything to him. Well I hope that I can just have a good summer break and enjoy things, but first christmas.


  1. hahaha where do you get this stuff. gold

  2. I think you should tell him. It really depends on what kind of person he is. Idk, but you know him so I'm sure you'll make the right decision ;)

  3. personally, i would think its ok to tell them. i felt the same way and i wasnt sure if they would act different. actualy, if you read on my blog, the person i was most afraid of telling was alex. it ended up he was totally cool with it.

    in my eyes, i would think there would be no change because these are your friends and they trust you alot. that truely means they care about you. i cant say im an expert about these things ( im still liven through them now), but one thing i do know is that true friends are friends no matter what. thats one thing ill never forget.
    btw, thanks for following my blog. talk to me sometime. if you need a person to sort out emotions with, im here^^. peace,


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