Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Kiss

He thoughtfully pulls his hair back from his eyes, allowing me a better view of them. I drift into their abyss, losing myself in them. The sensation driving all reason from my mind, nothing else matters. His lips part, and a single word slips out; my name. His soft voice sends a shiver down my spine, his intense stare, giving me he chills. I lean in, my lips parted slightly, he does the same. His lips are perfect; they look so smooth, so soft, so welcoming. My eyes close, our mouths touch, warmth shoots throughout my body. He is shaking a bit, and he withdraws slowly. My eyes open, and lock with his. There is a glow of fiery passion in his eyes, his very want, his need showing through. He lets out a soft grunt, the sound of a caged animal, wanting more of the long awaited meat. He leans forward, more quickly this time, and forcefully pushes his lips against mine. I surrender, allowing myself to be pushed onto my back. The cold cement floor forces my back to arch into his warm pulsating body. His warm tongue probes its way into my mouth. the sweet flavor of his mouth sends my heart into a frantic race. I pull myself closer to our already touching bodies, pure carnal desire pumping through both of us. He violates very crevice in my mouth. I inhale with surprise as he drives my back into the cold floor. The feeling drives a moan from my throat sending him into a primal frenzy. he thrusts his body into mine and educates me of his now tighter pants. I wrestle his tongue until he retreats, I eagerly follow. The hot wetness of his mouth is intoxicating. I run my fingers through his soft hair and pull him down into me. I drag my tongue across his bottom teeth and bite his wet lower lip. I slowly let it escape from my teeth and come back up to met his moist swollen lips. I push into them and inhale with exhausted pleasure. I rest my head against the ground and look up into his face. He opens his beautiful eyes. He deeply looks into my eyes and smiles. He sighs and quietly says "wow", as I drag him down for more.


  1. I can visualize it. bery poetic *thumbs up*

  2. lmao most of your entries are bullshit kane, you can blatantly tell which ones you've written and which ones you HAVEN'T
